Meet Hannah
The following story is being told with permission from parents of the patient. BACKGROUND Hannah is a 14-year-old girl who presented to the emergency unit on July 30, 2016 with an extremely high blood pressure, pulmonary edema and breathlessness. Her oxygen saturation was 55% (normal value for pediatric patients is 95-100%). Oxygen was quickly administered in addition to diuretics and antihypertensive drugs. Once stable, we obtained blood specimen for analysis and concluded based on the results that she had renal (kidney) disease. Kidney ultra sound showed atrophied renal tissue and this was also supportive of the renal injury diagnosis. Her parents reported that she began having symptoms (decreased urine output, weight gain, anemia, weakness) a few weeks before they brought her to our hospital. After several days at the hospital and further assessment, we learned that Hannah had renal failure. In developed parts of the world, patients like Hannah would have had kidney bio...