
My internet connection hasn’t been good for about a week.  This will be short entry because I am  afraid I will lose the connection before I post this.  Work at the hospital is going smoothly as usual. Lots of exciting things are happening. Working with management, we were able to secure a cardiac monitor for the unit in addition to an automatic defibrillator. These had been donated to the hospital a while ago.  I was told that the unit used to have a cardiac monitor which broke down. It was taken for repairs and never returned. I am glad that the unit has access to another one. Glory be to God.

Another praise report; We are very grateful to Dr. and Mrs. JB & Judy Skaggs of Cloverport, Kentucky for providing automatic blood pressure monitors for the hospital. The Skaggs are members of the Cloverport United Methodist Church and have been loyal supporters of this mission.  Thank you very much.

Hypertension and its related complications are big issues in Ghana especially in this community. Therefore, accurate data collection and timely intervention is very vital in patient management. Dr. and Mrs. Skaggs’ gift will help us in our effort to accurately measure blood pressure and mitigate hypertensive crisis through early intervention. We are very blessed to have such support. Please remember them in your prayers and pray for God’s blessing upon them. God richly bless you J

I went to the business district of Kumasi this past weekend and took the opportunity to explore and take some pictures. It is a very busy place and parking is almost impossible to find after 9am. I went there when the crowds had begun to thin out (mid afternoon). Early in the day, sea of people parade every corner of this place making walking to and from places a daunting task. Due to the slow connection, I will include those pictures with my next post. I am praying for a miracle to happen to my internet connection.


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