Special Thanks

 Glucometers are essential to every health facility and especially, to diabetes management. They are used to assess a patient’s blood sugar and determine whether to administer insulin or dextrose. At our hospital, these little devices are used so often that they sometimes break down and dysfunction. Once it breaks down, it’s just cost effective to replace it rather than trying to fix it.

 A few months ago, each department had a glucometer but overuse led to deterioration and due to lack of funds, we have not been able to replace them. Until last week, we had 2 for the whole hospital. This meant that, in case of a diabetic emergency (hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic episode), we had to run and look for any available glucometer. Delays in providing quick care during diabetic emergencies can lead to negative patient outcomes.

Thanks to a special donation from Nick Eskridge and Meredith Skaggs of Cloverport United Methodist Church, we have been able to procure 3 more glucometers for the hospital. A significant portion of our patients have diabetes so it is very vital for us to be able to quickly assess their glucose status and implement an intervention.  Ideally, every diabetic should have a glucometer. But this isn’t the case here because most of the patients can’t afford it. So, they depend on the hospital for accurate assessment and management.

New glucose monitoring devices. These will help in blood glucose measurement.

We are very grateful to Nick and Meredith for their special gift. It will help us greatly in our efforts to provide care for patients in this part of Ghana. God richly bless you :) :) :)


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